The Great Water Heater Debate
There is a long living debate on whether electric water heaters or gas water heaters are better. Both types of water heaters have pros and cons, but in all reality, the ultimate decision on which one is best for you comes down to personal preference and situation.
Pros and Cons of Electric Water Heaters
Electric water heaters have both pros and cons. Electric water heaters come in both tankless and storage tank types.
An advantage of installing an electric water heater is that the water is safer because it is heated by electricity instead of a flammable material like gas. Also electric water heaters tend to be more energy efficient than gas water heaters, and if an emergency occurs, a homeowner has the option to simply unplug the water heater.
A major disadvantage of having an electric hot water heater is that if the electricity goes out for any reason, so does the home’s hot water supply.
Pros and Cons of Gas Water Heaters
As with electric water heaters, gas water heaters come with both pros and cons and with the option of having a tankless heater or a storage tank type water heater.
Pros of installing a gas water heater include having a supply of hot water even if the house loses electricity, if the heater is tankless having an endless supply of hot water once the hot water starts flowing, and the cost of running the hot water heater with natural gas is much cheaper than running a heater with electricity.
Cons of installing a gas hot water heater include the risk of using a flammable material to heat the water, having to have extremely good ventilation to run the heater, and the cost of actual installation tends to be higher than a traditional electric water heater.
Benefits of Installing a Tankless Water Heater
Tankless water heaters come with many different benefits. The first major benefit is a seamlessly endless supply of water once the hot water starts flowing. Another great benefit of tankless water heaters is they take up less space in a home than a water heater with a tank. Tankless water heaters also use less water because once the water is hot, it continues running hot until it is turned off.
Benefits of Water Leak Detectors
Water damage is a type of damage to a home that a homeowner never wants to deal with. Water damage can start in the bathroom of a second floor home and seep into the floor then into the walls of the first floor causing the homeowner to have to replace not only floors but also walls. Every home should have a water leak detector. Water leak detectors offer homeowners a sense of security. These types of detectors proactively work to detect leaks and if a leak is detected warn the homeowner to prevent extensive damage from occurring. Installing a water leak detector for your water heater is a good idea, as heaters are a common source of leaks.
There are pros and cons to both electric and gas water heaters. Both have benefits, but the ultimate decision on which to install comes down to a homeowner’s personal preference and situation. Every home should have a water leak detector to prevent extensive water damage from occurring.
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